Sold As-Is.
Complete/Decal Ready.
May Need a Final Coat of Epoxy and/or Cleaning Inside Tumbler.
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Thank you for uploading your photo. It will appear on our store’s website after it’s been approved. By submitting your images, Glitter Chimp LLC reserves the right to use the image for advertising purposes.
Allowed file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png.
Maximum file size: 10Mb.
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Have you used Glitter Chimp glitter to make something amazing? Share a picture here!
Have you used Glitter Chimp glitter to make something amazing? Share a picture here!
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Allowed file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png.
Maximum file size: 10Mb.
Thank you for uploading your photo. It will appear on our store’s website after it’s been approved.