Contest Entry Requirements

Sub Box Photo Contest Specific Rules: (READ ALL RULES BEFORE ENTERING)

Photo Entry Period Starts March 16th, 2022 at Noon Central and Ends March 23rd, 2022 at 11:59 PM Central Time. 

Voting Begins March 16th, 2022 Noon Central and Ends March 31st, 2022 at 11:59 PM Central Time. The top 3 voted photo entries will be counted on April 1st, 2022 at 12:00 AM. 

  • The 2 winners from the previous January 2022 contest are ineligible to enter!
  • Sub Box Product Requirement! (Sub Boxes Dec 2021 to Current)
    • At least one product must have been used from the following eligible mystery subscription boxes: December 2021 Mystery Mica Box, January 2022 Mystery Glitter Box, February 2022 Mystery Mica Box, or March 2022 Mystery Glitter Box.  
    • Other Glitter Chimp products can and should be used so long as at least one item is from the aforementioned sub boxes. 
  • Only ONE photo entry per person is allowed in this contest. 
  • Images cannot contain watermarks, logos, or trademarks of any kind. 
  • Photos can contain up to 4 images of the same single item. So if you have a tumbler that you want to show several sides. You can show up to 4 images within a single picture. You may not submit more than one photo entry in total. 
  • Entries must include in the picture the bottle of Glitter Chimp glitter/product used to make the tumbler or product within the image. Similar to the photo used at the top of this page.
  • Pictures of products that can be entered are tumblers, jewelry, table pours, boards, molded items, pens, canvas art, or similar products containing glitter chimp products. 
  • The use of Marabu products for entries is also allowed as long as Glitter Chimp glitter, mica, powders are also being used and that at least one product was from a sub box as mentioned above.
  • Multiple entries through multiple accounts ARE NOT allowed and will disqualify your entries. 
  • Photo Entries cannot contain images or mention of other brands of glitter, mica, powders, or epoxy.
  • Only one vote per day, per person, is allowed. 

Winners will be announced by email, phone call, and/or post on our Facebook group. You can visit the group here: GLITTER CHIMP FACEBOOK GROUP 

Tumblers that contain obscene images, words, drugs, or racial slurs will be disapproved. Photos that contain images of glitter jars/products from other companies will be disapproved. All entered images can be used for future promotions and become the property of Glitter Chimp LLC for future advertising. Basically, if you made a beautiful item using our products, we may feature the image in a future advertisement. For more information and full rules you can view rules by going back to the contest and clicking "View Rules" at the bottom of the page. 
