DTF - Direct To Film Instructions & Uses

What is DTF "Direct Transfer Film"? 

Well....It's a new easy to use film technology used for the following applications:

Apparel and Textiles, T-Shirts and Clothing, Caps and Hats, Bags and Accessories, Footwear, Promotional Items, Home Décor, Signage and Banners, Labels and Stickers, & Sports Equipment

This is a general list for numerous types of material that DTF transfers may be
printed on and the times and temperatures that have been successful in a demonstration environment. These are recommendations that Axiom America
suggests you always test before committing to use.

Cotton, polyesters, hemp and blends: 275 to 350 F for 12-15 seconds at medium to high pressure. Polyesters tend to require a lower temperature than cottons.

Leather: 300 to 325 F for 15 seconds at medium to high pressure. Depending
upon the type of leather, it is possible that some tannins from the preparation of
the leather may seep a small amount at the surface, so pressure could be reduced in favor of a longer press time or even a lower temperature.

Neoprene and spandex: 275 to 300 F for 15-20 seconds at medium to high

Nylon and Rayon: 240 to 275 F for 20-30 seconds at medium pressure.
Silk 225 to 250 F for 20 to 25 seconds at medium to low pressure.

Always allow cold peel film to completely cool before peeling, and start peeling in
areas that have the least amount of small details such as thin strips of ink (for
example, the tips of trees), and towards those areas at the end of the peel to
minimize the possibility of separating or tearing the ink apart.
